Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horsepond.
Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas Love Peacock (1785–1866), British author. Melincourt, ch. 7 (1817).
The online location for Vernon J
Where Vernon J BREAKS his news
Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horsepond.
Thomas Love Peacock
Thomas Love Peacock (1785–1866), British author. Melincourt, ch. 7 (1817).
Good Morning & Happy Saturday,
What are we, Who are we, those are the questions we are asking ourselves.
Today is Saturday 12/01/V3.3 & it is a brand new month. We are going to have to make the most of it.
Do we have the answer to those questions, within ourselves or do we have to look to friends, a partner for those important answers?
I said that I was going to take a nap, well I’m clearly not napping. I think I will wash dishes, do my ADL’s & then ‘rest’on the couch. I don’t have to do anything until close or around 15.00. Mindi’s at work till about then.
The word of the day is empurple which is to color or become purple or purplish. Purple is my favorite color.
So I’m watching Person of Interest, they go from focusing on a couple who has hired hitmen to kill each to a romantic Birthday Scavenger Hunt. At least it wasn’t like the 5 year engagement, which got really weird.
What are you doing today?
Don’t forget to get your new calendar, there are only XXX FULL days left in MMXII. Unless you were one of those people who get a XVI month calendar. I’m not that special.
Have a GREAT day!!!
Good Morning & Happy Annoy a Pessimist Day!
Today is the 3rd Annual.
This event was created in 2010. I’m sure it had something to do with someone being pessimistic.
There is no reason for that.
Enjoy this great life we have.