Good Morning & Happy Sunday,
I finished II books between Monday 10/29/V3.3 & Sunday 11/04/V3.3.
Today is Sunday 11/04/V3.3 & it started out pretty well. Do you see a trend here?
So last night I went to the Celebration of Mike & Tyson’s 32nd year. We went to the new(ly named) Harrison Pub. I behaved myself and no one got in trouble, at least to the best of my knowledge.
So the books I read was The Lens and the Looker & The Entitled. Both were good books & could be read in II days or less, you just have to NOT be distracted by work & stuff. I’m going to start on the second book of The Verona Trilogy.
So today is the Hump Day of my XI day journey. We are almost on the back half of this journey. I couldn’t be more excited for Saturday 11/10/V3.3. Now what to do on my day off? I do work half day(just 1 shift) I do have Thursday 11/08/V3.3 OFF!. I signed up to help with The Salvation Army Christmas Assistance Sign-UP. Then I just have one shift on Friday 11/09/V3.3. My doubles this week are Tuesday 11/06/V3.3.
The word of the day is siesta is a miday or afternoon rest or nap. Maybe I’ll grab one of those before work. I was up about 07.00. I can squeeze in a II hour nap.
On Tuesday Night I’m going to some event, that has been building since Tuesday 05/15/V3.3. The day we Nebraskans decided who was going to face off in the general election.