Pretzel chocking President.

On January 14th, 2005, we Americans who are furious with the current President will each send one grab-bag-sized bag of pretzels to the White House (just to show we care) at the following address:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

Spread this message to every Bush-fearing person you know; post it on message boards, communities, etc. that you belong to.

The President of My United States of America chocked on a pretzel, I am doing it. Y9ou should too.


I need something that has NMU in it that is degrading. Because when they come to the Qwest Center I plan to make a sign. Any suggestions?

What college does to a brain.

OddNewer: you didn’t answer my question
dainties18: so i dont smell
OddNewer: exately
OddNewer: but that is not exately true
dainties18: then why do i shower/
OddNewer: Hell if I know/care
dainties18: i think that’s true
OddNewer: I just know that I am a Grade AAA asshole, and LOVE it more than anything(excluding NASCAR, and saying Y’all)
dainties18: i don t know why you like being an asshole
OddNewer: do you like you?
OddNewer: Why does gravity exist
OddNewer: If I wasn’t an asshole I wouldn’t be where I am today
dainties18: how not?
OddNewer: because I would be probably dating some pain in the ass woman
OddNewer: because I would have some sorry ass 9-5 job
dainties18: and you dont want to date a woman? would you rather date a guy or just be lonely all your life?
OddNewer: I would be expected to do certain thngs
dainties18: such as?
dainties18: have sex?
dainties18: ohhh god no
dainties18: not that
OddNewer: Hell I have been lonely for 25 years, whats a few more?
dainties18: a lot more
OddNewer: and how do you know this?
OddNewer: your sorry ass can’t predict when I will die
dainties18: cuz if you live for a long time, it will be a lot more
dainties18: and being lonely sucks, i dont like it
OddNewer: who says I am goign to live a long time
OddNewer: Who cares what you like? Not me
dainties18: and what, celibacy, i presume?
dainties18: most people do
OddNewer: what the fuck are you talking abvout
OddNewer: who cares about celibacy
OddNewer: SEX
OddNewer: rules
OddNewer: all you need is a woman for that
OddNewer: No commiment
OddNewer: just fuck and dumb
dainties18: right, but you probably wont be getting any if you arent dating someone or at least seeing someone
OddNewer: p
OddNewer: uno night stands
dainties18: most women arent down with that
OddNewer: do they teach you anythign in college
OddNewer: whores
dainties18: yes that most women dont do one night stands
OddNewer: whores, adn more whores
dainties18: you would pay a woman to have sex with you
OddNewer: yeah
OddNewer: at least everythign would be clear
dainties18: why the hell would you do that? its expensive
dainties18: and diseases
dainties18: and you’de have to use a condom
OddNewer: diseases
OddNewer: who cares
OddNewer: I wouldn’t have to use a condom
dainties18: then you’de get a disease
dainties18: she might make you
OddNewer: gotta die of somethign, meant as will be somethign you got having sex
dainties18: that is fucked up reasoning
dainties18: by someone you dont even know
OddNewer: who are you to judge my reasoning?
OddNewer: Do you pay my bills?
dainties18: are you that scared of being in a relationship?
dainties18: that you cant commit
OddNewer: I am in a relationship
dainties18: yourself doesnt count
dainties18: like masturbation isnt sex
OddNewer: who said that
dainties18: who said what?
OddNewer: You are such a idiot
dainties18: how so?
OddNewer: because I said so
dainties18: you would
dainties18: and i didnt drop out of school
OddNewer: so
dainties18: so you did
OddNewer: and it is the best move I ever made
dainties18: how so?
OddNewer: I am proud of the fact that some panzy ass people couldn’t force me to do something they beleived was the right thing
OddNewer: College is a scam
dainties18: how is that?
dainties18: cuz it makes you smart
OddNewer: ‘What does college give you
OddNewer: makes you smart
OddNewer: no
OddNewer: You are either smart or not smart
dainties18: where are you going to go in life with no degree
OddNewer: and that has no bearing on how happy you are goign to be in life
OddNewer: yeah
OddNewer: I lived 25 years without a stupid peace of paper
dainties18: then what makes you happy
OddNewer: the fact that I can wake up at 10 am and play video games
dainties18: yeah and because of that you are probably going to work at fast food forever
OddNewer: so
OddNewer: What’s wrong with that?
dainties18: that’s not a career
OddNewer: so
OddNewer: who needs a career?
dainties18: and it doesnt pay well
dainties18: people who want to be repectable
OddNewer: Do I pay my bells
OddNewer: yes
OddNewer: so it pays well
dainties18: being 50 and working at BK is not respectable
OddNewer: respectable?
OddNewer: Do I care what someone thinks about me, NO, NO, NO
OddNewer: If you don’t like the King, you can kiss him between the crack of his ass
dainties18: thats just nasty
OddNewer: As long as I have enough to support my wife and kids I am happy
dainties18: i thought you didnt want a wife
dainties18: yeah but what if you meet someone and fall in love
OddNewer: I would probably work at Subway or Wendy’s just so we are clear
OddNewer: so
OddNewer: They are going to love me for me
OddNewer: Not some piece of paper
dainties18: and when they want you getting a real job?
OddNewer: well then they can kiss me between the crack of my ass just like the rest of the world
OddNewer: I don’t live by othere people standards, I set the standard

UNO Hockey is better

UNO hockey is better than the No More Uglies hockey. Can’t wait to the 7tgh and 8th. Wildcats are goign down.

Parents on Strike

Americans need to do the same until we get a different president. Appointing the Undersecetary of the Tresury for energy Secetary.

Hardee’s 2/3 LB Monster Thickburger

I suggest everyone have one(unless you don’t eat meat).

Fanta Orange Soda (small) 20.0 280.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 90.0 76.0 0.0
2/3 LB Monster Thickburger 411.75999999999999 1,417.6 965.2 107.2 45.8 229.6 2,651.3 48.7 63.6
Crispy Curlsâ„¢ Potatoes (small) 108.58 337.5 149.5 16.6 4.1 0.0 841.5 42.7 4.3
Total Meal 540.34 2035.09 1114.74 123.85 49.84 229.55 3582.83 167.41 67.9

It is a good burger, NOT HEALTHY, BUT GOOD.

I paid for it but got it free because 94.x was doing a promotion. It totaly was worth the amount I would have paid.