Okay, that’s Nice

Good Afternoon & Happy FNP!

So yesterday, I had an interesting experience at work.

Stephanie’s 3.0 is coming on Sunday 07/28/V3.4.

Now if you remember the year of 2009, someone made a huge deal about their XXXth Birthday.

So she comes up & tells me that she know what she wants for her Birthday.

I’m listening, cause I have II ears & I mouth & that’s how it works.

I throw it on the calendar & then she tells me what she wants.

She wants a fondue pot, & you know that face I make.The one that roughly translates to ARE YOU crazy.

NOW prices for fondue pots range from $27.99 to $169.99 on certain websites.

In my e-mail I put that ‘Stephanie needs to call her boyfriend to get her a fondue set’.

NOW I can see myself spending up to & NOT excluding $40.02 on gifts for a certain kind of person. You know my Girlfriend, A friend that I like & should’ve/could’ve been my girlfriend (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE).

BUT for a co-worker that has a boyfriend. This is a family blog so I can’t say that.

What do you think?


I love it

I love it when I post an entry from 08/16/V3.0 because then I get to be reminded of my wonderful pictures like this one:

2 things

3.6 She’s 36 or at least that’s what she told me
3.7 I didn’t get her phone number

The rest of the pictures from the 2009 Iowa State Fair can be viewed here.