Pictures from Saturday 03/05/V3.1

World War II Memorial World War II Memorial

The Nebraska Monument

This will be blog entry 1 of 4 for my weekend in Washington D.C. 

This is the Nebraska pillar of the World War II Monument.

Thanks to ALL the Men & Women who served during that era in history.

There are 123 photos in all.  Please view them all.


Thursday was my last work day for the week in February. NO Friday work.

Here are some pictures.

Click the link for the 3 pictures in total

Jet Lag

Well if you don’t know I live in Midtown Omaha(close 422 N. 40th St).

Well I have this joke about going past 90th St.(A. everything I really need) is on this side of 90th).

So after coming back from Western Omaha, I’m over my 200 St lag. I went to like 211th & Maple.

Vernon Davis
422 N. 40th St.
Omaha, NE 68131

2008 Vacation planning

BRAN – it’s not just for cereal anymore/maybe never was.

Are you game enough to hang out a week riding accross the cornhusker state?

I am thinking June 8-14 or June 15-21

Denver wrap up.

Twister II
Twister II

This is the wooden Roller coaster @ Elitch Gardens. This is for Nancy!!

Alright, I am back and Denver than ever. It was a nice trip, I got to ride the city bus in Denver for the 1st time. My hotel was like 10 miles from the City. So Friday Afternoon I went on the Denver City Tour, and it was pretty friggin sweet. Saturday I rode the bus for the 1st time, and went to Elitch Gardens. Sunday I went to the Taste of Colorado, it was pretty sweet. You should go to DC if you want to visit a nice place. About ninety-six pictures Check out this gallery!