Twitter – Over capacity

.@galegrainger Gail is Georgia taking your Life, Liberty, and the right to pursue Happiness with their 6% PIT. Amtrak leaves at 19.38 from Savannah, You sound like someone who has traversed the Talmadge Memorial Bridge. (Just making up stuff at this point)

.@willowfrantn Wait, what time is it where you are? #Bragging

I’m doing research for a twitter post. #Bragging


Good Evening Happy Monday,

*fair warning* the following blog entry is a rant.

So I noticed that I wasn’t getting my alerts from KETV today. YES I follow all 5 Omaha news outlet on twitter. Their posts come to my phone. As a involved citizen I wont to know whats going on in Omaha. Twitter is 1 way of doing that.

I do engage the news outlets from the ones in the 681, other localities, regional, and national news outlets. Engaging includes RT, praising, critiquing, mentioning the organizations, and their staff and employees.

Now ever twitter user has the right to follow, unfollow, block, and unblock other users according to twitters TOS. Now if Billy Street of Pine Bluffs wants to block, unfollow me that is fine. Billy is a private citizen and can do what he wants without a peep from me.

NOT that I have EVER blocked anyone, or unfollowed them (unless they use unsavory language). If you choose to do it, thats fine by Vernon J.

NOW if you have a public account and you block me, I can A. log out of my account view your profile. B. Open a incognito window and see your posts. So blocking me does you no good.

It does 1 thing. It puts you on my radar Im not going to hold back names or entities.

I’m not going to ask you to unblock me, cause that’s not what I expect.

But if you are Omaha’s Favorite source for locals news, weather, and sports you should allow people to freely engage you respond on these platforms.

Thank YOU!!

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, & Months

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

We have time, WE HAVE TIME!

Today is Wednesday 11/07/V3.3 & it is a brand new day in America.

As you know there was an election last night. I voted for Willard & Erica, those two individuals lost their elections. BUT everyone else I voted for won. I voted AGAINST term limits & voted FOR the other 3 amendments to the Nebraska Constitution. YES I’m disappointed that Barack Obama won the Presidency again.

This is how I feel about our future.

It scares me to think that my kids, your kids, will inherit debt. After the Revolutionary War & Civil war. They raised taxes to pay that debt. Everyone did their part. None of this ‘special classes’ we were America.

If you get a chance to watch I.O.U.S.A. The most important issue to me in ANY election is fiscal responsibility by the Government, local, state, & federal level. We need to raise taxes & cut spending. So we move on to MMXIII. There is an election in Omaha for the City Council & Mayor. Get out there and help support the candidate that you think will help Omaha.

The word of the day is glean which is to learn, discover, or find out, usually little or little or slowly.

From a post on twitter

I think if we had that power we would see less stupid stuff. YES I’m sure there is one or two people who would delete some of my posts. BUT as I would have that power as well, it would be okay.

So tomorrow I get bonus work at the City, I’m also volunteering with The Salvation Army to help with Christmas Sign-up. They offered overtime at First Data, but I don’t want to work overtime on Saturday. I want to enjoy my day off.

So now I get in the kitchen and wash dishes,
tomorrow I do laundry.

So this is it for now.

Vernon J out.

Twitter Updates for 2012-10-11

Twitter Updates for 2012-10-10