All I Wanna Do

Good Morning & Happy Friday,

All I wanna do is: make my bed, shower, eat, breakfast, read the news on the 1st vote in the House of Representatives for the 113th Congress, blog, & DANCE!!!!

Today is Friday 0`1/04/V3.2 & it is my 2nd to last shift of work this week.

I had a great day off yesterday. The doctor game me some Naproxen, my wrist is feeling better today.

After I got home, I had lunch and did laundry. I watched some movies (Happy Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I & II, and Training Day. I watched CBS’s primetime line up. I actually watched Two and a Half Men, it appears they have improved the familyness of that show. I haven’t watched since BEFORE Charlie was an idiot and got himself fired. I finished all but the last page of the January MMXIII Popular Science magazine.

YES I read ALOT!

I went to bed between 02.00 & 02.30 today, I don’t wanna give away all my secrets. I got up between 09.30 & 10.00, my alarm went off at 10.28. That’s how I roll I don’t need no stinking alarm clock, my body know that it is almost #dance time & needs to get started.

Oh that twitter linked you posted less than 57 mins ago isn’t on your main timeline? You must actually use twitter. I do & I appreciate my 957 followers for engaging me in conversation. I have good conversations on that social network medium. In the last XII hours I’ve been mentioned by Matt Kenseth & Academy of Country Music Awards which have a combined total of 207,082 followers. YOU know it is my 2nd or 3rd favorite one. OF course my favorite is & associated subdomains.

The word of the day is couthie which is agreeable; genial; kindly.

Where else do I go from here? & CC+ words later I’ve answered that question.

Continue reading “All I Wanna Do”

Share the

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

Share the ‘whatever you have’

Today is Sunday 12/30/V3.3 & we start a brand new time frame of 4 days.

So after I wrote a portion of this I went to No Frills, I walk past the bakery & smelled cinnamon rolls. They had just pulled them out of the oven. I got two of them, now that’s a good family friendly way to start the day.

Saw Sam there too.

I’m now making lasagna for dinner, it shall be yummy. I will have some salad & some garlic bread to go with it. Its okay to be jealous, cause I’m sure you won’t be getting any of this that I’m making.

The word of the day is anthropogenic is caused or produced by humans.

So there is a live webcast of University of Nebraska Hockey. Let’s go MAVS! Yesterday was a solid day for the basketball team according to II news outlet. NO apparently the sports director & announcer paid no attention to the game. WE sucked it up good at Ralston Arena.

What are you doing today?

I watched Lincoln, and I preferred Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter better.

IF you follow me on twitter you see the hashtag #CYCM. It is from this song we sang at church yesterday.

What else should I share with you today?

Well have a great day!!!

@WOWT6News how does it feel to be blocked?


Good Evening Happy Monday,

*fair warning* the following blog entry is a rant.

So I noticed that I wasnt getting my alerts from WOWT 6 News today. YES I follow all 5 Omaha news outlet on twitter. Their posts come to my phone. As a involved citizen I wont to know whats going on in Omaha. Twitter is 1 way of doing that.

I do engage the news outlets from the ones in the 681, other localities, regional, and national news outlets. Engaging includes RT, praising, critiquing, mentioning the organizations, and their staff and employees.

Now ever twitter user has the right to follow, unfollow, block, and unblock other users according to twitters TOS. Now if Billy Street of Pine Bluffs wants to block, unfollow me that is fine. Billy is a private citizen and can do what he wants without a peep from me.

NOT that I have EVER blocked anyone, or unfollowed them (unless they use unsavory language). If you choose to do it, thats fine by Vernon J.

NOW if you have a public account and you block me, I can A. log out of my account view your profile. B. Open a incognito window and see your posts. So blocking me does you no good.

It does 1 thing. It puts you on my radar Im not going to hold back names or entities.

Now just Sunday I was watching WOWT because it provided the best news casts on Sunday. Well I can probably guarantee that will not happen anymore. I even asked one of your hosts, why she wasnt on the morning show.

I know that you blocked other people from other social network. I dont know what your social media policy is, but what youve done here is bad practice. You always mention on your newscast to like, tweet, and visit. You even have the facebook plug-in as your preferred method of commenting on your webchannel. The trust is lost on you when you chose to block users.

Im not going to ask you to unblock me, cause thats not what I expect.

But if you are the News You Can Trust you should allow people to freely engage you respond on these platforms.

Thank YOU!!

Are we no longer facebook friends?

I was ‘challenged’ by Allison to see if I could get under CC friends on facebook.

By Challenge I mean, I should her the list of friend requests that were denied, or just being ignored.

Apparently there were some additional deactivated accounts that now allows new friend requests to be approved.

IF you felt that your unfriending was unjust. Then you can reapply. If you liked this status, you are not eligible for a confirm. YOU should now that I’m not a Husker-football fan, it was a trap. I thought I would get the easy numbers for removing. ONLY 4 fell for it.

So send those friend requests.

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days, Weeks, & Months

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

We have time, WE HAVE TIME!

Today is Wednesday 11/07/V3.3 & it is a brand new day in America.

As you know there was an election last night. I voted for Willard & Erica, those two individuals lost their elections. BUT everyone else I voted for won. I voted AGAINST term limits & voted FOR the other 3 amendments to the Nebraska Constitution. YES I’m disappointed that Barack Obama won the Presidency again.

This is how I feel about our future.

It scares me to think that my kids, your kids, will inherit debt. After the Revolutionary War & Civil war. They raised taxes to pay that debt. Everyone did their part. None of this ‘special classes’ we were America.

If you get a chance to watch I.O.U.S.A. The most important issue to me in ANY election is fiscal responsibility by the Government, local, state, & federal level. We need to raise taxes & cut spending. So we move on to MMXIII. There is an election in Omaha for the City Council & Mayor. Get out there and help support the candidate that you think will help Omaha.

The word of the day is glean which is to learn, discover, or find out, usually little or little or slowly.

From a post on twitter

I think if we had that power we would see less stupid stuff. YES I’m sure there is one or two people who would delete some of my posts. BUT as I would have that power as well, it would be okay.

So tomorrow I get bonus work at the City, I’m also volunteering with The Salvation Army to help with Christmas Sign-up. They offered overtime at First Data, but I don’t want to work overtime on Saturday. I want to enjoy my day off.

So now I get in the kitchen and wash dishes,
tomorrow I do laundry.

So this is it for now.

Vernon J out.

The BIG time

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

So my instagram pictures are now being spammed, I think I’ve hit the big time. Follow me @FutureHusband

Today is Wednesday 10/31/V3.3 & it is my 1st 12.5 day of the week.

I was kept awake for a little while, someone asked me a question about my hashtag of the day. To prevent this incident in the future (ie tonight) I will explain today’s hashtag.

So yesterday Nicole commented about me having fun at work or something. I responded with.

So on Dancing with the Stars, or at least the last part I saw. People were crying cause they couldn’t believe someone got eliminated. Isn’t that the whole point of the show? Where does the surprise come in? Here’s your sign.

So I get to give out FREE candy today at my 1st shift

Bowl of Candy

So stop by & get some.

I then go to my other job, which is now Job Number One since my retirement from UNO. My first retirement.

The word of the day is lily-livered which is weak or lacking in courage; cowardly; pusillanimous.

So this morning I took the, what happened LXII years ago video. aka tool to gather information (e-mail address, relations alive in 1940, etc.) don’t let them fool you. So on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (8th), Friday (9th), or Saturday the 10th I might go to the Omaha Library.

OPL doesn’t have Book II of the Verona Trilogy (at this point), so I might have to spend upwards of $2 to $3 to get a version for my eReader. At least I don’t have to buy a book.

Anything else we need to talk about?

Vernon J out.

1st Rule

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

The 1st Rule of IT is you don’t change users personal settings.

Today is Wednesday 10/24/V3.3 & it is the penultimate Wednesday of November of the 34th year of Vernon J.

What is your 1st Rule. It could be lots of things. I’ve posted that question to twitter, facebook, & foursquare. I’m waiting for lots of conversations to begin.

* facetious warning*

So the best daily paper in the Omaha metro posted a story about American Family Insurance dropping coverage on an individual.

I usually refrain from commenting on stories on their website, for obvious reasons.

So against all my previous experiences with those (editors & moderators). I made a witty, thought provoking, & insightful comment on that story.

Well my comment was deleted, but lucky I took a screencap of it. I e-mailed the author of the story, with a comment about the deletion.  He said he saw the comment. Another comment from someone else was deleted that said it was discrimination. Clearly this isn’t discrimination, this is how insurance companies work. I don’t see what the point is of having a comment section is if you are going to delete when someone does it.

With all due respect I due delete comments sometime. IF they are offensive or stupid in nature. YES I the judge of the what is offensive & stupid. So I guess what I’m saying is that is is a double standard.

The word of the day is delate which is to inform against; denounce or accuse.

I’m eating breakfast right now.

$5, $5, $5 Spray Tans are coming. BUT that is irrelevant. FOR all your tanning needs visit Ashley Lynn’s. They are currently offering 10 Tans for $10. Click the link Memberships & Specials, or text ALTAN to 90210

Stay tuned for more 1st Rules.

The 1st Rule of Overnight Guests is to say Good Morning!

Thursday the Thirteenth

Good Morning & Happy Thursday.

Today is Thursday the Thirteenth. I wonder why people aren’t making a big deal about this. When it is Friday the 13th people put 1,000 KG;s of stress on their head. Friday starts with F & Thirteenth starts with T. They don’t even look alike.

That’s not even a digression, that’s a conscious stream of though put out there for the world to see.

Well I have two things to decided today.

  • A. Do I go to work. YES!
  • B. Do I work my schedule VIII hours.
  • B1. I’ve been asked to make an appearance between 14.30 to 15.30ish for something that is important to US.
  • B2. I’ve been informed of an event that is important to US(this us is smaller than the other us).

I’m torn between what to do. Doing What’s Right is what I should do. All of these options are valid & I wouldn’t lose any hours at work, cause I could take sick pay. BUT then we are talking about my reputation. I wish I loved my job more, cause then I wouldn’t have this dilemma. WHY couldn’t this choice be like yesterday’s? toughest choice.

What should I do? [poll id=”13″] I don’t know if your vote will matter. BUT you can vote.

The word of the day is heliotrope which is a light tint of purple; reddish lavender.

The first day of the weekend is here, it is also my penultimate day of work at FD this week. I have Saturday off, so that puts a smile on my face.

Well it is time to get my put my chef’s hat on & make me some breakfast.

I didn’t realize how funny this was until after I typed it.

That’s how we end our morning post.

Twice on Two Different Days

Good Morning & Happy Friday.

I used Big 10-4 via text & e-mails. YES one of those were a professional communication.

Today is Friday 08/31/V3.3 & it is  officially the last day of August MMXII.

I got a picture of the Ultimate Hunting Truck, it is for sale somewhere along Dodge. I forget where it is, but you should get on it.


Before I started blogging, I had something whitty to post in addition to the ultimate Hunting Truck.

Are you wearing your Crimson  & Black for College Colors Day . I’ll put mines on, as soon as you know, I get dressed.

The word of the day is gull which is to deceive, trick, or cheat. I want gull you into anything today.

I have to get some laundry done, laundry done & other stuff.

So in an effort to get that stuff done. I now leave you to following me on Twitter for instant updates.