Happy Friday

Well today is Friday 04/08/V3.1!!!

I have today off from work.

I plan to sleep past 05:00, I’m going to miss CT & Sara on Action 3 News.

I’m GONNA have a good breakfast.

I also plan to go see a movie today, the good thing about having today off is I can go see 2 movies this weekend.  NO problemo.

I plan to enjoy the rest of my weekend, NICE & RELAXING.

Vernon J hopes you have a wonderful weekend as well.

Vernon J out!

The word of the day is futz, which means to pass time in idleness (usually followed by around).

What is the Chairman doing?

So on Saturday 04/02/V3.1 around 15:55 I went to
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to see The Adjustment Bureau.  It was a movie I had wanted to go see, YES it was released on Friday 03/04/V3.1.  I was in Washington, D.C. that weekend.  If I was making excuses, that would be it.  My name is Vernon J & I DON’T make excuses.  I didn’t go see it opening weekend.

It was a GREAT movie, very interesting.  You should go see it or get it on DVD when it comes out. It’ll be in the Omaha Area until at least Thursday 04/07/V3.1 in 6 convenient locations. In the Washington, D.C. metro area it is in 10 convenient locations.

Great Movie, I recommend it.

I shall

Today is Saturday 04/02/V3.1 & its a doing what you want kind of day.

This morning(within 30 mins) I shall be heading to the store.  I want French toast for breakfast.  So I’m going.

I need to do a little bit of laundry, because I don’t wanna do it tomorrow. I didn’t do on Thursday(which is laundry night in MMXI), I had a neighborhood subCommittee Meeting.  So I decided not to do it.  I should have but whatever.

I might be adventurous and go shoe shopping, I can do that from the comfort of my couch.

I wanna go see The Adjustment Bureau, which is showing at my neighborhood theater at 12:30,  16:00,  19:00, &  21:45, plenty of opportunity to go see it. It would also be my 1st time going to that theater.  Shall I break the rule of that its a date theater?  Its also showing at Oakview, I could get some sea legs under me & venture out to the boonies. Only time will tell, follow me on foursquare.

It is currently 1 – degree outside, make sure you are dress appropriately.

The word of the day is unctuous which means of the nature or quality of an ungent or ointment; fatty; oily; greasy.

Have a GREAT Saturday, enjoy the last day of the weekend.

Wow that’s AMAZING!

So I did watch a movie tonight, I watched it int he comfort of my home though.

It was a movie that came out in MMVII, amazing movie.  Its available on netflix.


I would suggest watching this movie. You might of missed it because the distributor went bankrupt before it was released.

Movie Tonight

I was thinking I would go see a movie tonight.

The Adjustment Bureau is showing at 16:40, 19:20, & 21:45.

I could go to the 16:40 showing or the 19:20 showing.

What do you think?

Today’s Adventure

Today is Sunday 03/20/V3.1 & its the 13th week of MMXI.

I have two paths that I could follow today.

Path 1 is go to the museum with Angela J. B.

Path 2 is the path of Vernon J.  Which includes brushing my teeth, flossing, doing my hair, & recording PotW for this week.  Then head to a movie, target, & a store.  Then back home & my day is done.

The word of the day is largess, which means Generous giving (as of gifts or money), often accompanied by condescension.

Vernon J hopes you have a GREAT day!!!  Be Fun!!!


Guess who is coming back to Digital Video Disk on Tuesday 03/01/V3.1.


Of course this is for a limited time only.  Get your copies straight-away.

Vernon J’s Agenda

Today is Saturday 01/29/V3.1 & it could be a busy day for Vernon J.

Today’s word of the day is cacoethes which is An irresistible urge; mania.

Today I’m going to go see The Green Hornet at 11:20.  In 2D, I don’t think I wanna see a 3d movie.  I’m not hip, so I’ll be fine.

I’m then possible going to Blanc Burgers + Bottles(but this can be pushed until Sunday 01/30/V3.1, or any day for that matter).

Then its Hockey Night in Omaha.  Omaha’s Team is going for the sweep over the Chargers(I don’t know why they just don’t pay for it).

I’m thinking I’ll go see a few karaoke songs tonight, but we’ll see.

What are you doing today?

My kind of day.

I’m watching Play the Game.

If you get a chance you SO need to watch this movie.

Life is awesome like this.