Vote NO on Medicaid Expansion

As of this evening LB 472 has been bracket until June 5, 2015.

Bracket means delay consideration of the bill –

That means the bill can be considered on/after June 5th. It is now dead for all intents & purpose.

Vote NO on Medicaid Expansion


Vernon J
4970 S. 86th Pkwy.
Omaha, NE 68127


Senator Merv Riepe
District 12
P.O. Box 94604
Lincoln, NE 68509

Re: Medicaid Redesign Act – LB 472

I am writing you to continue your opposition to LB472.

I am glad you voted Nay during the committee vote. Thank YOU. I urge you to vote nay on any additional action for this bill in this session. Also vote nay on any additional efforts to expand medicaid in Nebraska.

Yes the Federal Government has agreed to pay a portion of it, but there is no firm commitment that the Federal Government will change policy or procedures during changing of the Executive Branch or Congressional makeup.

The reasons to not expand medicaid are numerous.

As I am a limited tax, limited increase government spending.

Medicaid shouldn’t be expanded due to increased costs that the Government will have. There is no equal offset in benefit to the economy. Information actually says that it will make sectors of our economy worse.

Thank YOU for reading & voting nay.

Huckabee Tests Waters In Iowa With “Maximum Wage” Idea – FOX 42: Omaha News, Sports and Weather; |

That’s fresh news for Gary Horacek.

“They can go out and get what I have and maybe do better,” said Horacek, who works at Omaha’s Mechanical Systems, Inc. as a sheet metal specialist and a welder.

He started in the sheet metal business 56 years ago.

He says the maximum wage idea is exactly what he had in mind when he joined his union at the age of 19.

“And then every chance I got I improved my skills to improve my employability. That’s what people have to do,” said Horacek.

You have got to learn or train to earn.

My open letter

Dear Mr. President, Members of Congress, Cabinet Members, Members of the Federal Courts:

It has come to our attention while observing your decisions for my government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system.  Thus, I am writing to bring to your attention several features of our Constitution—the preamble,  the power to elect you or have you nominated & confirmed by people we elect.

First, under our Constitution, while the president enacts laws, Congress writes the law. Judicial system interpets the law.

We. Elect. You.

Second, the offices of our Constitution have different characteristics.  For example, the president may serve only two 4-year terms, whereas senators may serve an unlimited number of 6-year terms.  As applied today, for instance, President Obama will leave office in January 2017, while most of us will remain in office well beyond then—perhaps decades.

We can start voting at 18.

What these three constitutional provisions mean is that we will consider all actions approved by the Congress. We could modify the terms of the service on the 1st Tuesday of November in even years.

I hope this letter enriches your knowledge of our constitutional system and promotes mutual understanding and clarity as The United States progresses.


Vernon J
Voter from Nebraska.

So I commented on a post by The Democrats yesterday.

I didn’t know Ben’s official position on Gay people who live in America or other countries.

Well Ben posted a explanation later in the day.

Do Better

I’m for School Choice. Here is a video of the Nebraska Legislature​ Education Committee hearing. I know Gwenn Aspen.

Education Quest is a reputable organization., not some fly by night organization.

State Senator Tanya Cook​ may feel that way, but you can’t argue with facts.

We need to do better by our children.

A longer video – Aspen Vs. Education Committee about Charter Schools:

Link to document Gwenn shared – uploaded to Google drive

AP News : Obama to seek to bust limits on domestic, defense spending

“fully paid for with cuts to inefficient spending programs and closing tax loopholes,” but taxpayers will have to wait until the budget is formally released Monday to find out exactly how.

I’m for efficient operation & closing loopholes.

I’m not for increasing the budget. We need a balance budget & any additional revenue over the last 3 year average shouldn’t be spent on new or larger program.

It should be used to pay down the National debt.