Talk is good

Good Afternoon & Happy Wednesday.

Talk is good, but when you’re WRONG! It is worth it.

Today is Wednesday 12/19/V3.3 & it’ll be an oops-free day.

The POTUS makes $400,000, members of Congress do not make $400,000. They make $174,000, I said $172,000 off the top of my head.

You know those moments when your are rolling your shoulders & it feels good?

Guess who has to work at 08.30 tomorrow? Guess who thought they worked at 11.00? Well as I hate guessing games, its the author of this blog entry.

The word of the day is echolalia which is the imitation by a baby of the vocal sounds produced by others, occuring as a natural phrase of childhood development.

So at work I was training today, the trainee wasn’t that hard to assist. She’s seen this program before, so we had a good base.

You know what I miss? That Banana I should’ve had before work. The 1st shift, I had a pear today before my 2nd shift.

Well that’s it for now.

Sent from something on something.

@WOWT6News how does it feel to be blocked?


Good Evening Happy Monday,

*fair warning* the following blog entry is a rant.

So I noticed that I wasnt getting my alerts from WOWT 6 News today. YES I follow all 5 Omaha news outlet on twitter. Their posts come to my phone. As a involved citizen I wont to know whats going on in Omaha. Twitter is 1 way of doing that.

I do engage the news outlets from the ones in the 681, other localities, regional, and national news outlets. Engaging includes RT, praising, critiquing, mentioning the organizations, and their staff and employees.

Now ever twitter user has the right to follow, unfollow, block, and unblock other users according to twitters TOS. Now if Billy Street of Pine Bluffs wants to block, unfollow me that is fine. Billy is a private citizen and can do what he wants without a peep from me.

NOT that I have EVER blocked anyone, or unfollowed them (unless they use unsavory language). If you choose to do it, thats fine by Vernon J.

NOW if you have a public account and you block me, I can A. log out of my account view your profile. B. Open a incognito window and see your posts. So blocking me does you no good.

It does 1 thing. It puts you on my radar Im not going to hold back names or entities.

Now just Sunday I was watching WOWT because it provided the best news casts on Sunday. Well I can probably guarantee that will not happen anymore. I even asked one of your hosts, why she wasnt on the morning show.

I know that you blocked other people from other social network. I dont know what your social media policy is, but what youve done here is bad practice. You always mention on your newscast to like, tweet, and visit. You even have the facebook plug-in as your preferred method of commenting on your webchannel. The trust is lost on you when you chose to block users.

Im not going to ask you to unblock me, cause thats not what I expect.

But if you are the News You Can Trust you should allow people to freely engage you respond on these platforms.

Thank YOU!!

Yeah for a freezing phone

Good Morning & Happy Monday!

So my phone froze between 05.00 & 08.28!

Today is Monday 12/03/V3.3 & it is a YES day!!!

I start with a needle & thread.

The inside button came undone from my PANTS!

So I got up about an hour later than I thought I would because of this little freezing issue. So now I’m in ‘hurry-up’ mode. BY hurry up mode mean I’m sitting her in my jammies.

The leopard print jammies have had a good 4-year run. They don’t sell this kind anymore from Visit Pajamacity Home to get all your quality jammies for this upcoming & the next 3 winter season. I’m a size 9, just incase you are wondering.

That’s not a hint or anything, it is a clear request for you to buy me some. Can I be any clearer?

The word of the day is effervescent which is high-spirited; vivacious; lively. I’m glad to report that I am an effervescent person. I’m reporting for duty every day 00.00 to 23.45.

Everyone needs their 15 mins, my come right before bedtime.

So if on Monday at 09.38 you weren’t scheduled to work on Wednesday from 09.00 to 12.00. But at 09.39 you are now, does that mean it is overtime. Even though it just brings your total time to about 13.5 hours at the other job. Here is a snap shot of my week ahead. 

So that’s all for now.

Vernon J is out.

Excuse me, while I PARTY!

Good Afternoon & Happy Sunday,


I’m going to be partying at First Data until 23.00. Where are you partying?


Today is Sunday 11/25/V3.3 & it is give yourself a shoutout via updating their facebook status.


The party started this morning at Vernon J’s Magic Shop with washing the dishes before 06.30, went to our church for a good sermon, then went and relaxed before work. I formatted an external hard drive for a mac, kinda a big deal. I don’t operate on a mac, I’M A PC!


The word of the day is amygdaliform which is shaped like an almond.


So now I’m at work & I am going to have a good day. When someone (in this case two people) tell you to have a Good Day at work you do. NO matter what happens. Beyond my control. I also need a good day at work today, since I no called no showed yesterday.


I think I explained what happened on twitter.


I had a good weekend, worked on Friday XI hours. I wasn’t too tired on Saturday, I should FOR SURE sign up for overtime on Monday. IF they have any more slots available. Especially since that Saturday debacle.


On Saturday WE went out to Kobe for some Sushi. It was good, we then went back home & listen to the Omaha’s Team. Put a baseball size shutout on the Chargers of University of Alabama in Huntsville. VIII is the 2nd most goals that UNO Hockey has EVER scored. YES UoAH is on that list twice.


I’m proud to be a member of Omaha’s Team.

2 Books Read

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

I finished II books between Monday 10/29/V3.3 & Sunday 11/04/V3.3.

Today is Sunday 11/04/V3.3 & it started out pretty well. Do you see a trend here?

So last night I went to the Celebration of Mike & Tyson’s 32nd year. We went to the new(ly named) Harrison Pub. I behaved myself and no one got in trouble, at least to the best of my knowledge.

So the books I read was The Lens and the Looker & The Entitled. Both were good books & could be read in II days or less, you just have to NOT be distracted by work & stuff. I’m going to start on the second book of The Verona Trilogy.

So today is the Hump Day of my XI day journey. We are almost on the back half of this journey. I couldn’t be more excited for Saturday 11/10/V3.3. Now what to do on my day off? I do work half day(just 1 shift) I do have Thursday 11/08/V3.3 OFF!. I signed up to help with The Salvation Army Christmas Assistance Sign-UP. Then I just have one shift on Friday 11/09/V3.3. My doubles this week are Tuesday 11/06/V3.3.

The word of the day is siesta is a miday or afternoon rest or nap. Maybe I’ll grab one of those before work. I was up about 07.00. I can squeeze in a II hour nap.

On Tuesday Night I’m going to some event, that has been building since Tuesday 05/15/V3.3. The day we Nebraskans decided who was going to face off in the general election.


My Evening Report

Good Evening & one of the Happy days of the week.

I went to work today, it was a good day at work.

I burned my tongue on the soup I was eating

Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush are eligible for another term as President of the United States of America?

Would you give them another term?

I wore brown pants today, with a red/white striped shirt today.

I had an Otis Spunkmeyer cookies. The ones I made on Friday were better, that’s the truth.

So tomorrow I work and I think you do too.

I will probably watch Aladdin or a Disney movie tonight. Do you have recommendations?

That’s it for My Evening Report.

Continue reading “My Evening Report”

Less than VIII

Good Morning & Happy Friday.

Less than VIII hours of actually work today. It feels like a vacation. Although I’ll get paid for 12.

Today is Friday 10/19/V3.1 & it is Battle of the Vernon J took advance level courses here.

My alma mater University of Nebraska Omaha Hockey Team vs my also attended Northern Michigan University Hockey Team. You can be sure that I’m pulling for UNO. Have you watched Aksarben Cinema presents In Case You Missed It? Visit University Of Nebraska Omaha Athletics – Video Archive to watch it. Also go to Aksarben Cinema to watch Movies in FULL digital & for the only movie theater bar.

Does anyone else want a promotional plug for their sponsorship of anything. HEY DOES ANYONE WANT TO SPONSOR ME. I’ll wear your shirt, hat, pants, and throw some magnets on my car. Contact me for rates/details.

The word of the day is veloce which is played at a fast tempo.

So after I get a nap (like right after posting this), I have at least I more bit of business that I need to take care of. Actually II, but can’t do one today. IT sucks but I can only do what I can do.

I hope you have a good day & GO MAVS!!!

My Evening Report

Good Afternoon, Evening, & Morning. & Happy NOW!

I won’t to make sure that I get all my readers in the time that they read this.

Well the new job will be worth it. I get to walk around, say hillo to people.

I get to work again on Wednesday 09/19/V3.3, so tomorrow(Tuesday 09/18/V3.3) is just 8 hours.

What else shall I include in this evening report, I’m currently preparing this at 13.02, so I still have about 10 hours before my day is over. OH!!!

I promised you a funny story.

So me & (unnamed person) was walking.

She indicated that all guys are immature except (WAIT FOR IT) ME. Yeah, I laughed too. I thought that was funny, cause I might be immature. I’m just a really good actor I guess.

A sexy beast, that is what was getting out of my car early.

I had a good day at work (the main job), nothing to report.

So if you tuned into my twitter posts during the noon hour on Monday 09/17/V3.3 you know I stuck Blake between the kisses.

I would like to share this with you now, okay. I’m just posting YouTube videos, don’t get too happy.

Continue reading “My Evening Report”

12,148 days of Freedom

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday!

I live in The United States of America & this is my 12,148th day of Freedom.

Today is Tuesday 09/11/V3.2 & we are no less free or more free then we were on Tuesday 09/11/2001.

On 1997 I agreed to help with that freedom. I’m not putting my life on the line now, but I’m fighting for our freedom.

The word of the day is cerise which is moderate to deep red.

I don’t have much this morning, but I do have something.

I had the pleasure of reading Julie’s Sickened, it brought back memories.

As you know I went to foster care in 1995 (I was 15) 7 I went to foster child as a baby (Pre 1st/2nd grade). I’m so proud of the fact that this happened to me. The book brought back memories of the abuse I witnessed from my mom (& her husband) to each other and my brothers and sisters.  This book concerns the subject Munchausen by Proxy, visit Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome for more information. If you know anyone is who an abuser or suffering from abuse, call someone. Call 1-800-422-4453 across the country or call 1-800-652-1999.

You could be the call that makes that persons life better. Someone called for me & I will call if I see something. It may be be 1 time, but until the agency investigates, we won’t know.

Let Freedom Ring

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

I woke up with the phrase Let Freedom Ring, so I played Martin Luther King, Jr.’s speech from 1963.

Are you letting yoru freedom ring?

Today is Sunday 09/09/V3.3 & it ain’t the Sunday I want, it’s the Sunday I got.

So I’m going to make the most of it.

To start with my alarm was set for 09.28 (earlier than normal), but I woke up early then that still.

I’m going to make me some Spaghetti, & a pie. I’m going to do it.

The word of the day is spleenful which is Ill-humored; irritable or peevish; spiteful; splenetic. NOT something that I want to take part of.

Well I’m going to get started.

Vernon J on pause right now.

Continue reading “Let Freedom Ring”