Primary City

I called it, I knew there would be a bill to continue to kick the can down the road.

PRIMARY CITY: Lincoln Sen. Matt Hansen’s bill (LB820) would increase the population threshold for cities of the metropolitan class from 300,000 to 400,000, which would keep Lincoln designated as a city of the primary class as its population surpasses the 300,000 mark.

My e-mail to Senator Hansen –

Good Morning Senator Hansen,
I see you introduced LB820 concerning population of a Primary City.
I’m sure you may be working with infomation that Lincoln & Omaha are not similar in economic & social oppotunities. That is incorrect.

As a Resident of Nebraska you used to live in Omaha & currently reside in Lincoln. 

This bill is unnecessary & will continue to increase/change Government Relations. 

Please withdraw this bill & never let it or similar bill see the light of day!!