It’s Been Done

Good Job Dan of @GravityPymts on making a HUGE step in a direction.

But he’s doing more than just raising his lowest-paid employees’ wages by a couple of dollars per hour. All of his employees, even the ones lowest on the corporate ladder, will receive at least $70,000 per year, a salary hike he plans to roll in over three years.  Link to Scripps Media story.

I can’t guarantee that this will be a trend or continue. I can probably guarantee that it won’t.

No One Is

Bottom line: If you think someone is that tall, it’s time to face the facts. I have no doubt in my mind that whomever you’re thinking of is very tall. They may be taller than you, and they’re definitely taller than me—but that doesn’t make them as tall as you think. Because no one is that tall. And they never will be.

Thanks Christina.