New FDA rules will put calorie counts on menus – Nutrition – Mobile

The chances that someone will not order that Double Cheeseburger is 1 in who cares, due to this new rule.

Listing on the website is just fine.

I don’t feel, think, know that this is a good idea.

I’ve never been worried about how much my food calorie count is.

Here’s a butterfly.


Omaha’s grade inflation questions shed new light on Watchdog investigation «

Omaha Public School’s grade inflation questions shed new light on Watchdog investigation
Joe Jordan
Joe Jordan | Nebraska Watchdog

Charges of grade inflation at Omaha Public Schools are shedding new light on an exclusive Nebraska Watchdog investigation examining the lack of flunking at OPS.

Nebraska Watchdogreported in January that flunking at OPS is truly old school.

According to records obtained through a state public records request, two years ago out of 3,347 seventh-graders at OPS one flunked: that’s right one. Ten years ago 55 OPS seventh-graders flunked.

A, B, C, D, E, or other

What say you?


An associate of mines posted this.

She is a teacher.

I have officially declared my position, but want to know what you think.

* name is blacked out. I don’t remember if her instagram account is private.