Quotes from the World for March 21st

I long for a land that does not yet exist, a place where women are valued both for their intellects and their motherhood and where choices between career and nurturing are somehow less stark.

unknown author
“Where Mothers Matter,” New York Times Magazine (February 20, 1994).

I’m so …

I’m so confused & thoughtful.

Good Morning Banana.

Why does ‘it’ happen this way. Why does ‘it’ happen at this time. What is ‘it’?

Today is Friday 03/21/V3.4 & it is International Wear A Tie Day.

The word of the day is noetic which is of or pertaining to the mind.

I’m going to leave it for you to think about ‘it’.

Quotes from the World for March 20th

Society is held together by our need; we bind it together with legend, myth, coercion, fearing that without it we will be hurled into that void, within which, like the earth before the Word was spoken, the foundations of society are hidden.

James Baldwin
James Baldwin (1924–1987), U.S. author. repr. in Notes of a Native Son, pt. 1 (1955). “Everybody’s Protest Novel,” Partisan Review (New Brunswick, N.J., June 1949).

Want to go on a date?

*breaking news* I just found out I don’t have to work Wednesday 03/26. Yup you can go on a #date with me. Call Me Maybe. #Mystery  http://ow.ly/3igpmF

Quotes from the World for March 19th

It is vain to say human beings ought to be satisfied with tranquillity: they must have action; and they will make it if they cannot find it.

Charlotte Brontë
Charlotte Brontë (1816–1855), British novelist. Jane Eyre, ch. 12 (1847).


News from around the horn.

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday.

A couple stories that got me interested, & how people are doing stupid things.

Today is 03/19/V3.4 & it is a snowy day in Omaha.

Okay it wasn’t any real snow.

Back to work at my part time job. Speaking of ‘part time’ work. If yo go there 5 days a week, is that really part time?

The first story is about the missing plane. “speculation about what might have happened to the plane and where it might be now” CNN’s Ratings Surge Covering the Mystery of the Missing Airliner – NYTimes.com I haven’t been following it to close. The place is still missing. The author tells the truth. Quite a bit of speculation, that is a bad thing to do in the news business. ALL we will ever know is that the plane is missing. Unless the human beings on that plane are found we’ll never know what happened.

This story is more local. MECA is out of control. Mayor Stothert on MECA vote: “I think it’s very self-serving.” – www.kmtv.com & Stothert says she was blindsided by MECA board’s decision to extend members’ terms – Omaha.com Now that I’ve given my feelings about the case. Let’s look at the facts. You’ve voted to extend your own service? If Congress approves a pay raise it won’t take effect until the next Congress is elected.

That’s how you do it kids. That is accountability & the right way to do things.

The word of the day is susurrant which is softly murmuring; whispering.

Writing a letter to a friend.

I’m also eating lunch. My great sammich that I made today.
image I did get that fourth piece of ham on there after some adjustments. I’m a boss like that, making easy things happen.

I’m getting bad to no reception at home. Maybe that’s why Sam & I was disconnected OR she hung up on me.

What are you doing today?

I works also like thank the Omaha City Council for taking the Crossroads bond off the ballot. The developers should pay for & back their own bonds. Also the Nebraska Unicameral voted down the win project. Thanks.

More later maybe

Quotes from the World for March 18th

No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings.

William Blake
William Blake (1757–1827), British poet, painter, engraver. The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, plate 7, “Proverbs of Hell,” (c. 1793), repr. In Complete Writings, ed. Geoffrey Keynes (1957).

The People who like

I tried corned beef last night.

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday.

I still don’t like beef & it gives me weird dreams.

Today is Tuesday 03/18/V3.4 & it is relaxing day.

The people you like are the people like. They help make you stronger, they keep you happy. I’m glad I have the people I like.

Well today is a simple day. Work & that’s it. So I could do a couple things, I have an offer on the table. In not sure I’m going to take advantage.

The word of the day is venerable which is commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character: a venerable member of Congress.

Yesterday was a fantastic day.

I’m having this for lunch
image and I’m sure it’ll be delicious.

So did anyone see how I Met Your Mother yesterday? They said When you like someone & want to keep them in your life. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

What are you doing today?


I don’t know what the other political parties in Nebraska has to offer. But the Republicans has a great slate of candidates to vote for on May 13th. I’m happy to announce that I’ll be voting Lee Terry for Congress Home » Lee Terry for CongressWelcome | Merv Riepe for LegislatureBrian Buescher for Attorney General I’m supporting Gwenn Aspen for Legislature. Take a look at http://votedouglascounty.com/ to see who is running in your area. Visit there website, call their campaign office. Ladies & Gentlemen these are people who are going to be deciding how your tax dollars are spent. 15 to 30% of your money goes to taxes and support of the federal, state, county, and local actions. Shouldn’t you know who is deciding that. Vote on Tuesday May 13th.

That’s pretty much a great Early Birthday President. btw that is Monday June 9th. The  are Backstreet Boys 2014 Cruise playing in ‪#‎Omaha‬‪#‎JustSayin‬.
I know the other races are out there as well.

I am NOT ready to publicly disclose who I’ll be voting for in the Senate & Governor’s Race. But I will vote.