Internet comments

Some internet comments make you go: Did you just really post that?

Then there are internet comments that make you LOL at work & have no shame.

I’ve experienced both of these in the last two hours.

I’ll let you decide which one this is:


In my neck of the woods we have a series of McDonald’s with a double order lane – for those unfamiliar, its essentially two order windows adjacent to each other – the left and right car place their orders, then merge into a single lane to pay for their order. While a great idea on paper – McDonald’s neglected to remember that most drivers lack the capacity to yield and merge…or for that matter exhibit the slightest bit of “turn etiquette”. What will inevitably happen is a driver in the first position will have a lengthy order – while a driver in the far right “second lane” will only be order a McChicken. The driver in the second position wraps up their order quickly and speeds ahead five feet to the primary pay/pick-up lane – if there is the slightest bit of congestion this driver’s front end will stall about five feet from where the primary driver would merge into the pay/pick-up lane. At this point the driver in window number 1 just wrapped up their order and inches up to merge. Driver number one is waiting for the car ahead of him to pull up to the pay window. The showdown begins – driver number two (who ordered the McChicken in the secondary lane) believes he finished his order first and should not yield to driver one…depending on the aptitude of driver number one…this could result in an impasse…that is only solvable through the use of heavy artillery.
And not to mention…the pain in the arse the secondary window causes for the cashier – he/she must verify every order because you never know who actually yielded/waited their turn.