My Evening Report

Things got crazy last night, if you are reading this after midnight, or Monday Night.

I left work 1 half hour early. Aside from an incident early in the day, everything was fine. Peeling the orange was a little tough, my thumb nail wasn’t as great for peeling. It sorta hurts right now.

Got Home. Wash Dishes, made a pizza for dinner. Then we went out and had some fun at Crescent Moon Alehouse.

We brought some beverages, that gluten free water was just what I needed. VIIX1979 on Instagram. Don’t underestimate a good water.

There was suckers involved & Gina got her favorite sucker. I also ordered 5 tacos on accident. Thanks to Jim for eating 4 of the tacos.

So the Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Co. came to work and sold there goods today. Gourmet Dark Chocolate Looking forward to enjoying this. BUT apparently I need to get a pair of scissors to open this package.

I promise not to run with the scissors. Safety first.

So we have a choice to make, it really isn’t that hard.

I want you to have a wonderful sleep and morning in this crazy world.

Quotes from the World for Monday 10/21/MXIII

There is something so amiable in the prejudices of a young mind, that one is sorry to see them give way to the reception of more general opinions.

Jane Austen
Jane Austen (1775–1817), British novelist. Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility, ch. 11 (1811).

Wanna Play

Wanna Play a game?

Today is Monday 10/21/V3.4 & it is the 3rd Monday of the Month.

The game is called life, it starts with a hug and a kiss. Then there is a very sutble dance, that can takes hours, days, months, or years to get to Act II.

Apparently The United Mexican States is sending a Diplomatic Note to The United States of America. Oh, you wanna step this up UMN?  Mexico Condemns Reported US Spying on President – ABC News I think you can send more than that. This is can be like I’m counting to Ten or Estoy contando hasta diez.

The word of the day is analysand which is a person undergoing psychoanalysis.

Yesterday was a very fine day. Fine, FIne, FINe, FINE day. I was told that I should sing in the choir. I’ll take that as a compliment.

I’m listening to Breakin’ All The Rules by Ozzy Osbourne. I mention this because yesterday ‘rules or no rule‘ was discussed. I was in the that’s not a rule brigade. The other side had some valid points. But before you start to scream apply the cream.

So I’ve decided to quit chips at lunch. I’ve got some popcorn, it is a nutrition thing. Giving up the fat level that comes with the chip. It IS personal.

What’s the difference between freezer & non-freezer storage bags?

Vernon J

0600, 0630, or 0728

Those are the three times I set to get up this morning.

Today is unday 10/20/V3.4 & it is a ‘handling booze’ before 06.15 kinda day.

I guess that tells you what time I got up, now doesn’t it?

If you had one thing to do, what would it be? Those are not the questions I ask myself.

I can do whatever I want. Even illegal, but I refrain from that behavior.

The word of the day is ennoble which is to elevate in degree, excellence, or respect; dignify; exalt.

So I’m at Village Inn eating breakfast. I wanted to be served today. It was good. I also had a 25% off coupon. I made a deal with myself. That if A happened B would happen. A didn’t happen, therefore B didn’t happen.

I don’t have much more.

Make it a great day.

Happy Sweetest Day

Yeah for a day to celebrate helpfulness and kindness we have enjoyed. Sweetest Day – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Today is Saturday 10/20/V3.4 & I was thinking about Amanda Bynes today. Did anyone ever watch What I Like About You?

Well it is/was 1 degree this morning. But I’ve still got one of these.
So the items beyond Vernon J’s control doesn’t matter.

Okay, so what’s next for you & me? Where do we go? Who do we see?

The word of the day is shoal which is a place where a sea, river, or other body of water is shallow.

Well I’ve got some things to think over. I’m be doing that over here.

My Afternoon Report

0.50% & 7.93%, that’s how much my health insurance has went up year over year.

Now this is a very narrow issue for someone who has been with the same employer thought that time frame. My main employer is self insurer.

Now I chose the best option, which some don’t. Only the best for me and the family.

2012 2013 2014
Dental Insurance 5.67 5.67 5.82
Vision 4.3 4.3 4.3
Medical Insurance 53.05 53.85 65.24
Percent Change 0.00% 2.65%
0.00% 0.00%
1.51% 21.15%
Average 0.50% 7.93%

Now do I go to the Keith Urban concert tonight?