My Evening Report

FREE bacon, yeah you read that right.

So as we are going into Dubliner’s Pub there are several people outside offering free bacon and pancakes. I take interest because you know it is free bacon.

So I’m there chatting with Sara and eating free bacon. She informs me of her last name and I proceed to ask if she is related to Lindsay (of the same last name). She says she is related to her, they are sisters.

Small World & all because of bacon.

These leads me to my hashtag of the day. Hashtag of the Day | The Official Blog of Vernon J he worked though bacon today.

The word of the day is kelpie which is (in Scottish legends) a water spirit, usually having the form of the horse, reputed to cause drownings or to warn those in danger of drowning.

I had a fun evening out celebrating Melissa’s 27th Birthday.

2 Replies to “My Evening Report”

  1. You didn’t give a shout out to MaryHannah on your blog! You told her you would. 🙂

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