Quotes from the World for Thursday 07/04/MMXIII

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The United States Declaration of Independence.
Thursday 07/04/1776

My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy Wednesday Eve.

I figure you deserve an evening report.

So today was a 7, 8, 9, or 10 kinda day.

That is how Team #VernonJ rolls. We don’t accept or offer anything less than the best. We are cup 3/4’s full, an opportunity to smile on one another. Live, Laugh, & Love.

So we went to work today and the good outweighed the bad. Explained it very well, thanks, “I’ll kill you”, I’ll let you guess which one was the ‘not ideal’ comment from a customer. Just for the record there was NEVER any issue with her terminal.

I also washed all my dishes before relaxing. I took a shower from my bike ride, it was a little hotter (ie sweater than Sunday/Monday).

I’m looking forward to my last day of work tomorrow, Thursday is the 237th Birthday of The United States of America.

I just changed my profile picture from way back in MMVII. Apparently I didn’t take as many pictures as I used to, there weren’t a whole lot from back then, but wait. Okay you can stop waiting, I thought I’d go back though my blog entries and find some photos.

I want you to have a fantastic Wednesday.

May you bring peace with you.

So Happy

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday,

Sabine was asked if it was a happy moment, NO I’m VERY SAD that I lost my Wimbledon match.

Today is Tuesday 07/02/V3.4 & it is a 0 – 0 day.

I have no clue what the 0 is for. I also have no idea what the other 0 is for.

Did you know July 1st – 3rd is the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. That’s all the National War History I have.

Uh oh, there is some potential for Thunderstorms in the KMTV Action 3 News Viewing area.

The word of the day is sprechgesang which is a vocal style intermediate between speech and singing but without exact pitch intonation.

So what do I want to do today? Well I’m going to go to work, that’s not a thing that is every up for debate. It is also Social Night at Crescent Moon, where a group of us gathers and hash out the Monday & Tuesday blues. We also celebrate the Monday & Tuesday greens. We could also review the Monday & Tuesday reds.

So I’m watching KMTV Action 3 News and it took 8 mins to actually get some new news. Apparently two cities in California workers went on Strike. Oakland & the Transit of the San Francisco Bay Area. In Nebraska it is illegal for public service unions to strike, this is good news. The Bay Area Rapid Transit Agency trains move 400,000 people a day. I reckon that is a shame and disrupts the city operations.

So did you hear the one about the Russian Rockets? Russian booster rocket crashes in Kazakhstan, you’re getting an exclusive story as provided by Vernon J. So this rocket was carrying navigation satellites. Maybe they should’ve put one on the rocket so it could find its way.

Okay that is all.

Vernon J out.

Chocolate Covered Bacon

Good Morning & Happy July,

I had/having chocolate bacon this morning with my breakfast. #USA #USA #USA.

Today is Monday 07/01/V3.4 & it is the 408th month of Vernon J

I don’t honestly know how my day will get better. Maybe YOU could have something to do with that.

My LIFE is so awesome right now.

Friends.Smiles. and Laughter.

The word of the day is muster to gather, summon, rouse.