No Where Else to Go

Good Morning & Happy Sunday,

I’d leave this towne, but I got no where else to go.

Today is Sunday 06/16/V3.4 & it is Day II of the work week.

The song is Gary Clark, Jr. – When My Train Pulls in. I’m not leaving Omaha*, you’re going to have to take me away kicking and screaming. My name is Vernon J & I LOVE living in this towne.

IF there was any doubt about this (which there wasn’t) on Friday night it was renewed. As I was riding home in what was just a normal Friday rain storm, someone offered me a ride home. I refused the ride cause I didn’t need it. BUT those are good times and just one of the reason I love calling this place home. I’m sure all the visitors & residents of Omaha have experience the greatness that is in this city.

Well we are breaking for breakfast, it’s 04.55. We’ll be back.

So it is 05.15 & since I’ve left you. I made a decision to iron my shirt, I’m not sure why. It isn’t like I’m planning on seeing anyone special. BUT dress for the best and you’ll be alright.

If you follow me on instagram & twitter you’ll notice that I got a new flask. Okay who really wants to get an old flask?

The word of the day is mishpocha which is a family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes including close friends. I’m glad this includes close friends, otherwise my mishpocha wouldn’t be that big and I’d want NO part of it.

Where do we go from here?

IF you have anything you want me to talk about.