5 to stay alive

Good Morning & Happy Monday,

5 fruits and/or beggies to stay alive.

Today is Monday 05/20/V3.3 & we are just XX days away from my Birthday!!!

I started with a ‘serving’ of carrots. A serving is 85.05 grams, but since I don’t on a scale. I had ‘approximately’ a serving during breakfast. Haven’t actually eaten them yet, I’m getting there.

So there is an Omaha Public Schools Board Meeting today. The meeting starts at 17.00 & here is a link to the agenda. WE are going to try to make this meeting. No promise, but starting with the Monday 06/03/3.3 meeting that is at 18.30. Vernon J will be there. As I will be on my regular schedule that goes from 06.30 to 15.00. Don’t get me started on that fact that the meeting starts at a different time. I think today’s meeting starts early cause of the new board members. It also runs later.

The word of the day is coalesce which is to blend or come together.

So yesterday I bought a cake, that was a mistake. I had an undisclosed product, I’ll just past a link to it. Pepperidge Farm® – 3-Layer Cakes, now I know I’m a good baker. I also know that I should NEVER EVER buy a frozen cake. BUT I was being lazy & thought it would be a good choice. It was plane & not very flavorful cake. I give it a 3 out of 10.

Well breakfast is done.

Well the blog is done.

Well the bed is made.

I’m ready to start my day in 10 mins or so.

Vernon J out.

Quotes from the World for Monday 05/20/MMXIII

After your baby arrives, you yourself may feel like something of a present, albeit clumsy, wrapped in unmatched ribbons and bows, but new. Untried. Untested.

Sally Placksin
Sally Placksin (20th century), U.S. writer and producer. Mothering the New Mother, ch. 1 (1994)

Let’s Roll

Good Afternoon & Happy Sunday.

The storm is rolling though Omaha right now.

Today is Sunday 05/19/V3.3 & we are XI days away from Vernon J’s Birthday.

A nice relaxing day, I was taking my nap shortly after the 10.00 dance time.

I was out and about to the stores around 14.00. I’m glad I went at that time, cause of the rain you know.

I’m having Lemon Pepper Chicken for dinner, a saladid, & a cheddar bacon twice baked potato for dinner.

The word of the day is darg which is a day’s work.

I didn’t do any of that today.

Hope you enjoyed your day.

Quotes from the World for Sunday 05/19/MMXIII

A good performance, like a human life, is a temporal affair—a process in time. It is good as a whole through being good in its parts, and through their good order to one another. It cannot be called good as a whole until it is finished. During the process all we can say of it, if we speak precisely, is that it is becoming good. The same is true of a whole human life. Just as the whole performance never exists at any one time, but is a process of becoming, so a human life is also a performance in time and a process of becoming. And just as the goodness that attaches to the performance as a whole does not attach to any of its parts, so the goodness of a human life as a whole belongs to it alone, and not to any of its parts or phases.

Mortimer J. Adler
Mortimer J. Adler (b. 1902), U.S. educator, philosopher. The Time of Our Lives: The Ethics of Common Sense, ch. 2, Holt (1970).


Good Morning & Happy Saturday,

Have you heard? There is a Jenga event happening in Omaha.

Today is Saturday 05/18/V3.3 & we are 22 Days away from Vernon J’s 34th Birthday.

The Jenga event is Sponsored by Vernon 3.0 & Beyond!!! So yeah that’s happening.

I decided to go with Option II from yesterday, Option III is still on the table if you tell me what Option III is.

So we went & saw Star Trek into Darkness. We bought a large popcorn, Me and Brandon said that that is Superman on that container. Jim was all like no it isn’t. So with some in-depth research Brandon proved Jim was incorrect. That’s #Winning!!!

The word of the day is consortium which is any association, partnership, or union.

I have to send a strongly worded e-mail to an undisclosed business. Okay it is Mojo’s!!! The e-mail has been sent.

Well I better take care of that belly issue.

Quotes from the World for Saturday 05/18/MMXIII

Life seems to be an experience in ascending and descending. You think you’re beginning to live for a single aim—for self-development, or the discovery of cosmic truths—when all you’re really doing is to move from place to place as if devoted primarily to real estate.

Margaret Anderson
Margaret Anderson (1886–1973), U.S. editor and memoirist. The Fiery Fountains, part 1 (1951).

For much of her life, Anderson moved around from city to city and home to home. Among the places where she lived were Chicago, New York, and Paris.

For a Few Days

Good Morning & Happy FNP!

We are going to enjoy life for a few days.

Today is Friday 05/17/V3.3 & we are XXIII days away from my Birthday!!!!

What a celebration it will be?

Tonight we are going to see Star Trek into Darkness. Aksarben Cinema, IF you are interested in going. Send me an e-mail STiD@Vernon-J.com The show is happening at 20.00, we are going to MoJo’s before the encounter.

Tomorrow we will be presented with II or III options. I can do my normal Saturday routine of the last few months. Work at the DCRP office, then go to church. I could also relax and then go to Jamie’s Graduation Party. She is now an alumni of University of Nebraska Omaha like Vernon J is. Option III is yet undefined.

IF we do Option I, then Sunday will be a relaxing day.

IF we do Option II, then Sunday we will do Church and then some time at the DCRP office.

IF we do Option III, well I don’t know what that is, so I don’t know what Sunday will provide me with.

The word of the day is motza which is a large amount of money, especiallya sum won in gambling.

Well I didn’t make a cake for my co-workers. They are getting ‘Cheese & Cracker Sticks’. IF I leave on time, I will swing by a local merchant and get them some donuts and juice. I don’t know, I just can’t tell. We have to do what we have to do.




Quotes from the World for Friday 05/17/MMXIII

The unconscious is the ocean of the unsayable, of what has been expelled from the land of language, removed as a result of ancient prohibitions.

Italo Calvino
Italo Calvino (1923–1985), Italian author, critic. lecture, delivered in Turin, Nov. 1969. “Cybernetics and Ghosts,” published in The Literature Machine (1987).

My Evening Report

Good Evening & Happy FNP!!!

The evening is here.

So I was at work today. Reading Tera Lynn Childs’ Sweet Shadows.

My co-worker was giving me gruff about reading, so I decided to read a passage from the book. Did I pick a good one?

I zoom past Cliff House and down the hill toward the public beaches. They’re closed at night and the parking lots are empty. Not even those willing to risk a citation for being on the beach after hours are out this late.

I pull Moira into a spot facing the ocean, cute the engine, and palm the keys. Just in case, I stare out over the rays, the moonlight glinting on the cresting peaks. So peaceful. So completely at odds with the fury and confusion warring inside me.

“Something happened tonight,” Nick finally says, his voice gentle, Tentative. “What?”

What?” I laugh. I can’t help it. Is he seriously going to play dumb about this? “You know what.”

“I don’t,” he insist  “Look, I’m cooperating. I got into the car. I’m not even complaining that I can’t feel my fingertips anymore.”

I glance down at his hands, zipped together and resting on his thighs.

One of our other co-workers was laughing. It is a romance novel, but based on that passage, you would think so.

It didn’t rain tonight & I’m glad that did not happen. I left my umbrella at home. BUT someone did say hi to me first. She was running, so that makes it super special. I’m always the one saying Hi & Good Morning. I’m glad to be on the receiving end.

I’m doing laundry & playing Grepolis. I really like this Frepolis game. Click the link http://us.grepolis.com/invite-310203-us7?invitation_id=80453&invitation_mac=aa098655&ref=player_invite_linkrl

I”m having food for dinner.

What else should I talk about.

You’ll let me know.

Quick, GO

Good Morning & Happy Thursday,

Quick to the sunrise,

Go to the place that brings you joy,

The word of the day is allochthonous which is not formed in the region where found. Vernon J is allochthonous, I’m not found in Detroit, Kalamazoo, or Michigan.