Dinner in before Breakfast

Good Morning & Happy Sunday.

The dinner was in the crock-pot before breakfast was made. I’m having Chili tonight for dinner.

Today is Sunday 02/05/V3.2 & its like Dancin’ Away with My Heart.

Well I get to miss the Basketball game because of the weather yesterday.

What else do you need to know?

The word of the day is pied which is having patches of two or more colors, as various birds and other animals.

Twitter Updates for 2012-02-05

I’m Okay, but missing

YES I have friends.

YES I have good friends.

YES I have a job.

YES I have been given a chance to do something that I know I can do.

YES I emotionally okay.

BUT at the end of the night I’m missing one thing.

IF you know me for any amount of time, you are aware of the fact that I want to be married.  I’m missing the emotional support that a special lady friend can provide.  I don’t know what else I can do. I’ve talked about this before, but I just know that if I’m sitting on the couch cuddling, that I’d be okay.

Vernon J out.

Quotes from the World for Saturday 02/04/MMXII

My mother … believed fiction gave one an unrealistic view of the world. Once she caught me reading a novel and chastised me: “Never let me catch you doing that again, remember what happened to Emma Bovary.”

Angela Carter
Angela Carter (1940–1992), British postmodern novelist. Expletives Deleted, introduction, Vintage (1992)

Saturday Morning Flowers

Good Morning & Happy Saturday.



I helped FTD Make It Rain Love.  Thank YOU Very Much for my flowers.  If you need to order some flowers get over to FTD.com & take care of it. Tell em Vernon J sent you. You won’t get a discount or anything, but you’ll be name dropping.

Today is Saturday 02/04/V3.2.  My day started about 04.00 when I went to the G-Store. I then saw my former co-worker Martin, he was out bike riding & I was able to provide him with a ride to work.  I then came home napped, got up & made me some breakfast.

There was suppose to be a basketball game, but that got postponed cause of the snow. BUT the hockey game is still on, I’m okay with the postponement of the basketball game, cause that means there is more snowman time. I’ve got nothing else, cause that shall be my focus as soon as I finish this blog. I’m not sure how big it’ll be, but you’d be proud of me. I’m sure I’ll upload some pics.

The word of the day is caprice which is A sudden, unpredictable change, as of one’s mind or the weather. NO this snow in Omaha doesn’t count, I heard about it several days ago.

Don’t take a day like this for granite #Omaha, get out there & spend some time with your family & friends. We’ve been given a gift.

Twitter Updates for 2012-02-04

Quotes from the World for Friday 02/03/MMXII

Poetry, whose material is language, is perhaps the most human and least worldly of the arts, the one in which the end product remains closest to the thought that inspired it…. Of all things of thought, poetry is the closest to thought, and a poem is less a thing than any other work of art …

Hannah Arendt
Hannah Arendt (1906–1975), U.S. philosopher. The Human Condition, ch. 23 (1958).

Afraid & Astonished

Good Morning & Happy Friday,

I’m an astonished about what people are afraid to ask. UnAsked questions won’t get you answers.

Today is Friday 02/03/V3.2.

It’s Hickey Day in Omaha, let’s GO MAVS! As I talked about yesterday, the basketball games went in favor of my alma mater. I saw the womyn’s game & it was a tough one. We had an 18 point lead, & lost it. The cougars were up by 1 after that. We won the game 69 to 68. Thanks to 2 free throws by Jamie Nash. BUT I can tell you this, I have been a spectator for years. When there are less than 60 seconds left & your team has 2 free throw shots & down by 1. You get on your feet & cheer your team on. Especially when the visiting team has LESS people in the stands & are making more noise than you. Nothing upsets me more than a fan (casual or a MAJOR supporter). PLEASE SHOW YOUR  TEAM THAT YOU SUPPORT THEM.  Thank YOU.

The word of the day is excogitate which is to think out; devise; invent.

I’ve had a good morning today.

What are you doing tonight?


Twitter Updates for 2012-02-03