My Evening Report

Things got crazy last night, if you are reading this after midnight, or Monday Night.

I left work 1 half hour early. Aside from an incident early in the day, everything was fine. Peeling the orange was a little tough, my thumb nail wasn’t as great for peeling. It sorta hurts right now.

Got Home. Wash Dishes, made a pizza for dinner. Then we went out and had some fun at Crescent Moon Alehouse.

We brought some beverages, that gluten free water was just what I needed. VIIX1979 on Instagram. Don’t underestimate a good water.

There was suckers involved & Gina got her favorite sucker. I also ordered 5 tacos on accident. Thanks to Jim for eating 4 of the tacos.

So the Mountain Man Nut & Fruit Co. came to work and sold there goods today. Gourmet Dark Chocolate Looking forward to enjoying this. BUT apparently I need to get a pair of scissors to open this package.

I promise not to run with the scissors. Safety first.

So we have a choice to make, it really isn’t that hard.

I want you to have a wonderful sleep and morning in this crazy world.