4 Replies to “Don’t Flip Me Off”

    1. I’ll tell you

      Person A told me that Male A was trying to get laid that night. Male A was talking Female B, which is okay. I told Female B on the way over that Male A was intending to get laid tonight. Female b appears to be a nice person. Male A flipped me off when he walked into Place B, because I was dancing with Female B. I don’t know why he did that, and later in the evening Male B told me that they(Female B, C, & D) was weird. Let me know if I can clear that up for you.

      1. Re: I’ll tell you

        Hmmm….now I am trying to figure out the faces that belong to all these letters!! LOL…I don’t think female B C or D would have accepted the invitation though. 🙂

        1. Re: I’ll tell you

          Good, I thought they have more class than that. But I don’t like guys like that.

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