Let It Go

Dear Distinguished Gentlemen from Tennessee.

I write to you today, as a citizen of The United States of America.

I’m a Republican here in the Great State of Nebraska.

I recently read an article were you are considering launching an investigation into the City of Memphis decision to sale a park to a nonprofit organization. http://www.tennessean.com/story/news/politics/2017/12/21/tennessee-house-republicans-call-investigation-after-memphis-removes-confederate-statues/973168001/

The cause of this sale resulted in confederate statues being safely removed and stored.

Gentlemen, this is a time when you show the strength of your character as a person who was elected by the people of your respective districts.

The citizens of Memphis has decided that the statues time and place has passed.

Just let this one go.


Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Here is Vernon J’s Official Review of Star Wars Episode VIII as pinned by Nicole (she’s a fan of the Oxford comma).

Good Day

I took 2 #naps today, made dinner, and probably made someone #smile. A pretty GREAT day, if I do say so myself. & #IDid


How about a more fiscal sound streetcar #Omaha? Y’all could save MILLIONS. https://hometowntrolley.com/trolleys/streetcar


Judge Health Welch was wrong in the case of Starbucks vs Simon Malls.


This is not a legal opinion, it is a business opinion.

Still, it is rare that a judge orders a retailer to keep stores open, retail experts said.

“I’m somewhat shocked by the ruling,” said real estate lawyer Joshua Stein. Welch “catalogues every possible detriment to Simon as a result of having vacant space,” Stein said, adding, “That’s part of a job description of owning real estate. You deal with it and don’t get injunctions to have your tenant continuing to operate.”

I’ll leave the legal opinion to Joshua & his fellow lawyers.

This is the activism judges that we fear. Judge Heather Welch is up for election in 2018. The voters should vote to NOT retain her. https://ballotpedia.org/Heather_Welch