Being Honestly

Recently (Wednesday or Thursday). I deleted contact, unfollowed from instagram & unfriended a single lady from my life.

My friend Jim told me that it was better to do it in person, but we were suppose to have dinner Wednesday night. NOT that she was aware of the reason I wanted to meet, she recently had a MAJOR change in her life.

But at 23:59:59 I have to do what’s best for Vernon J. I told a mutual friend (Jennifer), that I would do what I can.

But I’m Being Honest, I know what I want out of my life & it ain’t ‘maybe’s’, ‘I don’t want to ruin our friendship’.

I am willing to PUT IT ALL ON THE LINE.

But thanks to Mandi for inviting me to her Birthday Party.

I met a nice lady & ASKED HER OUT. .

I also had a GREAT dinner with Melissa on Thursday night.

So life will be what it is & what I want.


Thanks Mandi Raver​ for the invite.
Thanks Jim Gerner​ & Jennifer Skinner​ for listening & that’s all you did, cause I sure didn’t ask for advice.

Being Honestly

Team #VernonJ

Right NOW

What’s this?

Do you have some?

Not on my timeline

Starting 3 minutes ago.

I’ve instituted the same policy I have for UNL #football & criminal centric stories,  on weather related posts.

I have manually blocked those two topics from my timeline.

If I see the word (or similar) freaked, nervous, worried, & can’t stand & the/this/current weather, in the same sentence I’m hiding the posts.

You won’t know, but if you see me & bring it up. I’ve got my basis covered.

If there are any questions, please email


It’s not certain what direction he ran in. The suspect is described as a black male, with bright shoes and a gray sweatshirt. No Time for that!

So he hasn’t changed his sweatshirt & shoes in over two months?