My Happiness

I don’t have to defend my way of happiness.

Unless you are willing to contribute to my happiness, then you should really back off.

In this case happiness is companionship & a successful relationship.

1st Song of the Day

I’m HunGRY All the Time I wake up in the morning.

I might have heard a song after 00:00, but that doesn’t count.


The comment was ‘I’m willing to accept it’.

I refuse that notion.

My name is Vernon J & I accept God’s plan for me. Cause my plan hasn’t worked.


As always I’m willing to try.

Your best shot

1 minute is all we have.

Good Morning my people.

Just that 1 minute to make the most of this moment. I used 4 mins & 9 seconds to celebrate. But if you read the post before this you already know this man.

Yesterday at the 2nd shift wasn’t as great as it could be. But you know I did what I could do. All rolled out about 2215.

Today is the 1st day of August in my 36th year. It is at least 1 person’s Birthday Month.

The word of the day is shtick which is one’s special interest, talent, etc.

So within the last 12 hours I’ve taken at least 4 photos of my hands.

My nails were getting longer than adequate for work. I clipped them this morning. I’m a problem solver.

Have a great weekend.

*I’m aware that it isn’t ONLY HER Birthday this month.

**This is The Official Blog of Vernon J & well ENOUGH SAID.