Quotes from the World for Tuesday 12/10/MXIII

Boredom is just the reverse side of fascination: both depend on being outside rather than inside a situation, and one leads to the other.

Susan Sontag
Susan Sontag (b. 1933), U.S. essayist. “America, Seen Through Photographs, Darkly,” On Photography (1977).

That’s a Good Name

That’s a Good Name, Magic Man.

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday,

Watching Talladega Nights:The Ballard of Ricky Bobby.

Today is Tuesday 12/10/V3.4 & it is a long day ahead.

I couldn’t sleep between o dark 30 & 0230 for some reason. Actually I know the exact reason, but I’m not sharing on my blog. Sometimes I don’t share, sometimes I do share.

Like the photos from the Tree Lighting Ceremony last night. Photos from Monday 12/09/V3.4 | Photographs by Vernon J

It was a good time & the cookies were consumed. I can neither confirm nor deny if all were eaten. BUT I didn’t bring any home. Don’t worry there are still some resting in the kitchen. Maybe if your name rhymes with Valerie & you’re suppose to be stalking me. A. You’re doing a terrible job, B. HaHa.

The word of the day is ochlophobia which is an abnormal fear of crowds.

Well I posted that the ‘quality of the day’ was to be determined. Well it shall be fantastic & that is that.

Have a meeting at Big Fred’s at 1830. Everyone is welcome to attend. The more the merrier, tis the season or something.

Don’t know what else to expect today, but keep your eyes, ears, & heart open.