It’s Back

Monday is back for a great time.

Good Morning & Happy Monday.

I love Monday. But you already know this.

Today is Monday 12/09/V3.4, it is Courtney’s Birthday & Vernon J’s half birthday.

Today we decided it is officially a tie day.
So let’s see what needs to be done by Team Vernon J today. My shoes are out for delivery, so there are a couple things that need to be done with that. I’ve got to get the right size & pick them up. I had them shipped to the store for free.

I need AAA batteries & dish soap. Do that brings us to two stops after work.

I think it is PERFECT WEEK week. Confirming as I blog. That would mean I would have to hit the location before I go to the JCNA December Party.

The word of the day isĀ calorifacient which is (of foods) producing heat.

It was a good Sunday. Maximum results minimum effort. Efficiency at its best.

Make it a great day.