My Afternoon Report

Good Afternoon Folks,

Here to provide you with a report on how my previous 10 hrs went.

Always expect the unexpected time, as great as you are.

So today, one of the trainers asked me to shadow a new guy who is on OJT. OJT is VI weeks after the start of training. She said I was patient and stuff.

That was exciting and pretty neat professionally.

Now I’m at home just chilling on the coach. The dishes must be washed, and the dinner must be eaten.

I’ve lubed my chain and checked my tire pressure.

That’s it for now.

Quotes from the World for Monday 09/16/MXIII

The human being is in the most literal sense a political animal, not merely a gregarious animal, but an animal which can individuate itself only in the midst of society.

Karl Marx
Karl Marx (1818–1883), German political theorist, social philosopher. Grundrisse, notebook 1, sct. 1 (1857-1858).

It won’t be like that

Good Morning & Happy Monday,

It won’t be like that if you change the inputs.

Today is Monday 09/16/V3.4 and it is Mandy’s 27th Birthday & Sean’s 34th Birthday.


If you don’t want a speeding ticket, you input is less than or equal to the speed limit. If you want to see the sunrise, you’d be up by  0706 on Tuesday. It will be at 0705 on Monday. I don’t know if this post will be live by that time on Monday, that’s why I put Monday, post Tuesday.

Wish them Happy Birthday, if you choose. Mandy is @MandyWu on twitter, I don’t know if Sean has a twitter. I didn’t find one in my search there.

The word of the day is orrery which is an apparatus for representing the planets, satellites, etc., in the solar system.

Well I’m putting non-pie in my pie hole, so I shall return to this entry post-ride into work.

So as a bonus to Saturday’s funtimes, it was a Jenga Night. That was pretty fun, it isn’t often (that people named not Vernon J) take board game to a bar. But us Vernon J’s are a different kind of awesome, non Vernon J’s are also a different kind of awesome.

So today shall be a good day. At the present time someone is borrowing my swagger. So at least two people will have a pot of gold day.

What’s going on today?