My Evening Report

Why hello there, I don’t wanna put on real shoes.

I had a good day after all, cause I control the things.

I don’t think I have anything else.

How was your Wednesday?

Quotes from the World for Wednesday 05/02/MMXII

The opposite of love is not to hate but to separate. If love and hate have something in common it is because, in both cases, their energy is that of bringing and holding together—the lover with the loved, the one who hates with the hated. Both passions are tested by separation

John Berger
John Berger (b. 1926), British art critic, painter, novelist. And Our Faces, My Heart, Brief as Photos, ch. 2, Pantheon (1984).

NOT impressed

Good Morning & Happy Wednesday,

So there was an article about the candidates for Legislative District 9. The piece isn’t that good, I’m not even willing to share it with the world. It’s out there, I can’t take it back.

I know enough about the foster care system in Nebraska, I read LR-31 & have read the issues that pertaining to the current system.  I think they have decided to support the ‘married taxpayer’ one because with our story they also ran a bio on her.

I haven’t got confirmation that that they are doing a similar story on ‘us renters’.

Today is Wednesday 05/02/2012 & its a 2 – yard kinda sign day. I woke up to an e-mail & then a facebook request for a sighs. They are out & about.

The word of the day is kowtow which is to act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.

Have a Good Day.

Twitter Updates for 2012-05-02