My Evening Report

I actually have something to report on this evening.

Yeah, do a little dance for me, please?

1. I’m not a wordsmith you’ve seen this blog. I’m just Vernon J & I kinda like you.

2. I listen to music while at work, I thought I would write the lyrics down & try to research the songs. I have two songs I’m going to search tonight.

  • Song one – The lyrics I have are: Marry Me, Say You Will if I, Ever in this cafe.
  • Song two – The lyrics I have are: What is your problem, been moping around, open up the day

I was able to find both songs. They will be posted at 02.39 & 04.50. I guess if you come after those times you will see it.

Have a Good Sleep!!!!

Oh its a Press Conference

Good Morning (1 minute to go)

Oh, that think I had to go to was a press conference. It was also at 10.00, not 09.00. Which means if I had gotten up when my alarm went off, It could’ve been set for 1 1/2 hour later. But I woke up earlier than that, so :-P.

Today is Tuesday 04/17/V3.2 & its a busy day for me.

Although I got up at 07.00ish, I won’t be done until 22.30. So let’s roll.

The word of the day is xenophilia which is an attraction to foreign peoples, cultures, or customs.  Do womyn fall into that category? Cause I’m attracted to her, & her customs are foreign to me.

So we are exactly IV weeks away from the election.

How was your morning?

Twitter Updates for 2012-04-17

  • @idontspeekgeek & others Before #sleep There will be no during, if you see one. Please call the police. #
  • .@chiarraigrrl It was a good day. Wake-up #smile #
  • 07.30 will come too soon. #
  • .@Valette Good Evening, sorry about Mount Roberts. #
  • If someone accidentally sends you an e-mail, |who knows why I got your spam, die in a fire.| ISN’T a good response. Gonna be the best fire. #
  • .@programmerman Okay, glad to know it is a muscle, sorry it is sore. #
  • .@rachaelgking Are you getting another one, ALREADY? #
  • .@Atomic_Twlrbee What kinda support are you looking for? #
  • .@programmerman Is the diaphragm a tissue or muscle? That is weird? #
  • Honey, I’m home. 56 Days!! (@ Vernon J’s #Birthday Zone) # Continue reading “Twitter Updates for 2012-04-17”