My Evening Report

I’m gonna try something new.

Provide you with a evening report of my day.

I went to work & got out at 20.30. I’m currently sitting on couch.

Work was fine, I got a donation from my good friends/family.

I got nothing personal to report.

Enjoy Wednesday!

Quotes from the World for Tuesday 04/03/MMXII

The freedom to share one’s insights and judgments verbally or in writing is, just like the freedom to think, a holy and inalienable right of humanity that, as a universal human right, is above all the rights of princes.

Carl Friedrich Bahrdt
Carl Friedrich Bahrdt (1740–1792), German theologian and publicist. On Freedom of the Press and Its Limits: For Consideration by Rulers, Censors, and Writers, p. 44 (1787)

Video me from my Good Side.

Good Morning,

Well I shot a little bit of video for KETV Commitment 2012? I hope he got me from my good side. btw that would be any side.

Today is Tuesday 04/03/V3.2 & I’m quite confident it will be Terrific.

I get to wear my Pin Stripe today, all dress up with no where to go. I don’t need to dress up for work, no one to impress there.

The word of the day is zeitgeber which is an environmental cue, as the length of daylight, that helps to regulate the cycles of an organism’s biological clock. WHOA that’s a big word of the day.

I guess I’m all out of words for now. Enjoy your day. Be Safe.


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-03