Why I Choose Perry

This is posted at 21.36 VST & Fox News is saying Perry has a solid grip on 6th place.

I did my job & made the announcement to my friend NMA 08.06 so it wasn’t a secret. I texted her & I’m sure that they are reading my texts. I would.

There are many choices to do your research. I used a certain paper’s 2012 Republican presidential candidate bios. See here’s the link, so you can judge for yourself.

  • I’m not happy that the youngest person is 53. There are great strong candidates that are under 50, that were great candidates & Presidents. 9 Presidents under 50. I indicate this because we need leaders of our future & not of our present or past. IF Barack Obama is given the chance he will be about 51 when he is inaugurated.
  • My view on the international relations is that we need the UN to take a lead on ALL multi-nation conflicts. The pre-amble to the UN Charter explains it well. So bring our troops home & protect America. Thank You.
  • I don’t think any President, Candidate, Senator, or Representative should every say taxes are off the table. All the listed candidates lost points for this.
  • I agree with a flat tax & it shouldn’t be a choice. I think it should be somewhere between 15% & 20% as a National Sales Tax.  I wrote a speech for my class about it. You can view it here. I can’t find the video, but I did it. Rick Perry edged the crowd on this aspect
  • Healthcare Needs to be reformed, the bill that passed was too much at one time.
  • Immigration needs to be controlled. I’m not against a fence that will shock the waste out of people trying to get into our country illegally.

Based on the current crop of candidates I would vote for Rick Perry.