Not Sexy

We ALL do it.

As Homo Sapians it is part of the digestive process.

I just have to remind myself that everytime I do it isn’t sexy.

NO it isn’t sexy for you either. Even if you are Jessica Alba or Natalie Portman, or closer to home(Sexy ladies who shall not me named).

Twitter Updates for 2011-08-30

That’s the sound of the blender

Good Morning & Happy Tuesday!

My Strawberry & other fruit smoothie.

Today is Tuesday 08/30/V3.2!

Well I’m scheduled to work until 17.30 today. Debbie is coming in to install a new switcher. Gonna switch from a blonde to a burnette. (Okay I have black hair).

Its raining in the metro area, so dnt forget your umbrella. OR ELSE!

I had me a delicious high calorie, low fat breakfast this moorning. It was delicioous.

The word of the day is parergon which means work undertaken in addition to one’s principal work.

Have a terrific Tuesday!