Day XXVI of JH

Well the 1st part of the business is over.

We now move on to the 2nd part.

Yeah for good stuff.

Quotes from the World for Friday 08/12/MMXI

That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.

Neil Armstrong
Neil Armstrong (b. 1930), U.S. astronaut. Quoted in New York Times (July 21, 1969).

on his first steps on the moon’s surface, 10.56 pm (EDT), July 20, 1969. Armstrong’s message—possibly garbled or obscured by static—was originally understood as “one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”

Twitter Updates for 2011-08-12

  • @Raven_73 I opened your gift, it is effecting my allergies though. #
  • Goodnight World, Someone <3’s you(probably) #
  • I need to get a spicy blog entry so I can get some page view up 🙂 #
  • Its nice to check your blog to make sure your scheduled posts actually went though. My one didn’t post. You can read it at #
  • @JulieBlackmon Yeah, its a good one. 🙂 #
  • @danholke Yeah, #DanRules for eating the stuff I paid for. Adulthood = Freedom #
  • @Rated_LEXXX Then what are you doing? #
  • @danholke You daughter is why nicer than me, you would’ve had to buy your own. #HaHa Keeps me looking ‘marriage’ material #
  • @danholke Blizzard of the month, Nutter Butter, which has 960 calories, I rode my #bike home & my sources says that 1,200+ calories burned #
  • Haven’t seen it, but would be a good #wedding ride #0529 RT @OmahaBikes: The Patio Bike has arrived. Have yo… (cont) # Continue reading “Twitter Updates for 2011-08-12”


Good Morning & Happy Friday!!!

Today is Friday 08/12/V3.2 & its Mary Nelson’s 31st Birthday.  Mary 3.1 is here!!!! Wish here a Happy Birthday, the twitter feed is OmaMorningBlend

There is a metor shower tonight, I might go watch that.

The word of the day is mundify which is to purge or purify!!!

Have a GREAT day!!!