Yeah, its Monday

Monday 01/17/V3.1 has arrived on the ‘world scene’ as we know it.

Monday is my 2nd FAVORITE day of the week.

Maybe I’ll meet some new people, maybe I won’t.

But whatever happens I know that it will be good.

How was your weekend?

What does 300 Calories really look like?

Wonder what 300 calories looks like? 300 calories look drastically different when you’re eating in instead of dining out. Choosing healthier, more nutritious foods–at home and away–means you can eat much more food and still lose weight. Check out these 18 meal comparisons to see for yourself, share forward this story to your friends!

Better to eat at home

My tweets

Continue reading “My tweets”

Today is ah, yes. I needed that

Today is Sunday 01/16/V3.1 & the kinda day I needed.

The word of the day is spirituel, Showing or having a refined and graceful mind or wit.

I’m watching Drillbit Taylor right now, just got done with the Break after my fast.

I need to go to the financial institution at the G-Store while I’m shopping. I have some items I need to get.  Long road to freedom is though the store.

What are you doing today?