2 hours late

So I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I was 3 hours late getting up.  2 hours late to work.

Still had a good day though.

How was your day?

I for sure have to wash dishes & iron tonight.

Also you can check out an awesome behind the scenes video of University of Nebraska – Omaha’s December 2010 graduation.  Vernon J is in it.

What kind of day did you have?

Quotes from the World for Wednesday 01/04/MMXII

The best philosophical attitude to adopt towards the world is a union of the sarcasm of gaiety with the indulgence of contempt.

Sébastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort
Sébastien-Roch Nicolas De Chamfort (1741–1794), French writer, wit. Maximes et Pensées, vol. 1, no. 31 (1796, trans. 1902).

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