What’s this German?

As some of you know I only update my status in German.

Since I only update 2 -3 x’s a week.

On Monday it’s something like ‘Vernon J <3’s Monday’s’

Well I decided that I’ll be nice to some people(probably not you) since if you’re reading this it is unknown to me.

Here is my status update from Monday 10/25/V3.1 21:12

in English: Vernon J may take awhile to make a decision, but once that decision is made.  Its Good to Go!! – |Decide with me 402-516-4401|

& in German: Vernon J kann eine Weile dauern bis eine Entscheidung zu treffen, aber sobald die Entscheidung getroffen wird. Sein Good to Go! – | Mit mir 402-516-4401 Entscheiden |