
Today I did some stuff.

I also quacked like a duck this morning.

The Best thing about the Swimsuit Edition is the free cologne samples.

Twitter List

A Daily Digest of my tweets

  • My #Monday has started. I LOVE Mondays. #
  • I’m at Food Bank For the Heartland (6824 J St, Omaha). #
  • Guess who doesn’t have any? RT @bonitapattinson: #boyfriendmaterial NO COMPLICATED ISSUES WITH EXGF. YUCk! #
  • RT @TheReaderOmaha: Throw somebody a surprise party for an unorthodox occasion. (example: you got a new car, SURPRISE) #ideaoftheweek #
  • It’s okay, you’ll have a date. #ValentinesDay RT @Fabish: Valentines Day is trending! Rub it in why dont you, Sob sob sob! # Continue reading “Twitter List”


Apparently if you drink 2 or more sugary drinks a week you have an increased chance of pancreatic Cancer.

I have read three stories & none of them include how much(ie Mg’s) of said sugary drinks. Our American Neighbors to the rescue, GO CANADA. It is 237 ML.