I failed

Dear Vernon Davis:

Thank you for participating in the FastDater event Wednesday night. Here are your results. You will see the number of matches you received and the first names and email addresses of those matches. You will also see the number of missed opportunities. Those are people who said yes to you but you said no to them. We do not reveal the identities of the missed opportunities.

3 Jennifer (Jenn@jpringle.com)

Number of Matches: 1
Missed Opportunities: 2

Birth control prices soar on campuses

Millions of college students are suddenly facing sharply higher prices for birth control, prompting concerns among health officials that some will shift to less preferred contraceptives or stop using them altogether.

Prices for oral contraceptives, or birth control pills, are doubling and tripling at student health centers, the result of a complex change in the Medicaid rebate law that essentially ends an incentive for drug companies to provide deep discounts to colleges.

“It’s a tremendous problem for our students because not every student has a platinum card,” said Hugh Jessop, executive director of the health center at Indiana University. Continue reading “Birth control prices soar on campuses”