10 Replies to “New Downy Bottle.”

        1. that’s what I thought.

          I am not allergic to much. Actually physically nothing, but emotional I am.

          1. well nervous ticks..

            I have honestly liked two girls in my life as more than friends. When I finally got the nerve to ask them to be more than friends(maybe that is the problem) I was sweating, scared, nervous. So it is really just shows up when I admit to my crushes the crush.

          2. Re: well nervous ticks..

            meh. i’m the same way.
            only i never have the figurative balls to speak with them about that.
            it all just happens when i’m just speaking with them usually.

          3. make time.

            sometimes you actually have to plan this out otherwise I would never get out my true feelings. But everything is good now, because I am not crushing on anyone.

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