Ran Fans 2006 Shirts (Front)
Ran Fans 2006 Shirts

This is the shirt I will be wearing at the 2007’ran’ and TK concert.

If I almost get hit…

If I almost get hit while riding my biek on the sidewalk.  YOu know you are being a DUMBASS!!

I am riding my bicyle back home.  I am at about 60th & Dodge.  Some jackass in a pre-1995 Chevy Astro van comes across his lane into the other.  The guy in the curb lane has to swerve and almost swipes me.  That really pisses me off, BASTARD!!

Mixxers on Friday Night

Dawn couldn’t make it on Thursday to ER, that’s okay.  She slept all night, been a rough week.  But we out out Friday night to Dave and buster’s and than to Mixxers.  Mixxers is an okay club.  No cover and $2 drinks.  She asked me out, She told me Tim might come, but he didn’t.  I was so hurt that I ‘had’ to go out with her all by myself.